Apr 25, 20214 min read
Sex During Pregnancy
If you're pregnant or even planning a pregnancy, you've probably found lots of information about sex before pregnancy (that is, having...
Apr 18, 20214 min read
Preparing for Multiple Births
What Are Multiple Births? A multiple birth is when a mother is pregnant with more than one baby. This may mean a twin pregnancy, triplet...
Apr 18, 20216 min read
The First Day of Life
You've been waiting for this day for months: Now you finally get to meet your new baby. But like many new parents, you might not have a...
Apr 11, 20213 min read
Learning, Play, and Your Newborn
What Is My Newborn Learning? Play is the chief way that infants learn how to move, communicate, socialize, and understand their...
Apr 11, 20212 min read
Movement, Coordination, and Your Newborn
Babies are born with some reflexes. They respond naturally to things like light or touch in certain ways. If you put your finger in your...
Apr 4, 20214 min read
Communication and Your Newborn
Do you remember your baby's very first cry? From the moment of birth, babies begin to communicate. At first, your newborn's cries may...